
Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.


Gender inequality is a barrier to the overall development of a country. Gender equality (a) ----- to the condition in which both men and women (b) ---- equally and fairly in all circumstances Without (c) ---- the participation of the both, the social and economic development (d) ----. Elimination of gender disparity is a demand of the day with a view to (e) ----- human rights. Our government already (f) ---- some initiatives in different sectors so that women can (g) ---- peace with men. But our social set up is (h) ----- a barrier in different ways. We should (i) ---- outlook and come forward to (j) ---- gender inequality from the society.

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 11 months ago
Updated: 11 months ago

English Grammar & Composition

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