পানির DO অনুমাপনে Mn2+ লবণের সাথে নমুনা পানির জারণ ঘটলে Mn4+ -এ পরিণত হয়।
উদ্দীপক মতে DO পরিমাপের সমীকরণ কোনটি?
উদ্দীপক মতে DO পরিমাপের সমীকরণ কোনটি?
| এর সঠিক উত্তর1 x Application (55.57%) | 34.33ms |
1 x Booting (44.42%) | 27.44ms |
update `questions` set `view_count` = `view_count` + 1 where `id` = 371524
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `view_count`, `vote`, `subject_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_id`, `board_exam_id`, `passage_id`, `question_type`, `question`, `is_duplicate`, `status`, `image`, `meta_og_image`, `meta_og_title`, `meta_keyword`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, exists(select * from `review_contents` where `questions`.`id` = `review_contents`.`reviewable_id` and `review_contents`.`reviewable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question') as `review_content_exists` from `questions` where `id` = '371524' and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `option_1`, `option_2`, `option_3`, `option_4`, `option_5`, `image_option`, `image_question`, `answer` from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (371524) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `title`, `passage` from `passages` where `passages`.`id` in (6705) and `passages`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug`, `meta_og_image` from `sub_categories` where `sub_categories`.`id` in (4878) and `sub_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `des_updated_by`, `des_added_by`, `link_subject_id`, `slug` from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (76) and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `description`, `subject_id` from `subject_descriptions` where `subject_descriptions`.`subject_id` in (76) and `subject_descriptions`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.`id`, `subjects`.`name`, `subjects`.`slug`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` as `pivot_subjectable_id`, `subjectables`.`subject_id` as `pivot_subject_id`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` as `pivot_subjectable_type`, `subjectables`.`created_user_id` as `pivot_created_user_id`, `subjectables`.`deleted_at` as `pivot_deleted_at`, `subjectables`.`status` as `pivot_status`, `subjectables`.`created_at` as `pivot_created_at`, `subjectables`.`updated_at` as `pivot_updated_at` from `subjects` inner join `subjectables` on `subjects`.`id` = `subjectables`.`subject_id` where `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` in (371524) and `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `vote_statistics` where `vote_statistics`.`question_id` in (371524)
Backtrace |
select * from `descriptions` where `descriptions`.`descriptionable_id` in (371524) and `descriptions`.`descriptionable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `status` in ('approve', 'active') and `descriptions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `vote` desc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `bookmarkable_id`, `bookmarkable_type`, `user_id` from `bookmarks` where `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_id` in (371524) and `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `votable_id`, `votable_type`, `user_id` from `votes` where `votes`.`votable_id` in (371524) and `votes`.`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `user_id`, `choosen_option` from `vote_logs` where `vote_logs`.`question_id` in (371524) and `user_id` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjectable_id` from `subjectables` where `subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subject_id` in (7384)
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `view_count`, `vote`, `subject_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_id`, `board_exam_id`, `passage_id`, `question_type`, `question`, `is_duplicate`, `status`, `image`, `created_at`, `updated_at` from `questions` where `id` in (84710, 94312, 95471, 95719, 99561, 99995, 142163, 142629, 177959, 192270, 193529, 205611, 210140, 96270, 231553, 94300, 99814, 110445, 143096, 144302, 191639, 191957, 192202, 193944, 198568, 201944, 206971, 207664, 208237, 209796, 213417, 213418, 245959, 245956, 85377, 85379, 370497, 370498, 370499, 370500, 370501, 370502, 370503, 370504, 370505, 370506, 370507, 370508, 370509, 370510, 370511, 370532, 370533, 370534, 370535, 370536, 370537, 370538, 370539, 370540, 370541, 370542, 370543, 370544, 370545, 370546, 370927, 370928, 370929, 370930, 370931, 370932, 370933, 370934, 370935, 370936, 370937, 370938, 370939, 370940, 370941, 370962, 370963, 370964, 370965, 370966, 370967, 370968, 370969, 370970, 370971, 370972, 370973, 370974, 370975, 370976, 370977, 370978, 370979, 370980, 370981, 370982, 370983, 370984, 370985, 370986, 370987, 370988, 370989, 370990, 370991, 371023, 371024, 371025, 371026, 371027, 371028, 371029, 371030, 371031, 371032, 371033, 371034, 371035, 371036, 371037, 371041, 371042, 371043, 371044, 371045, 371046, 371047, 371048, 371049, 371050, 371051, 371052, 371053, 371054, 371055, 371126, 371127, 371128, 371129, 371130, 371131, 371132, 371133, 371134, 371135, 371136, 371137, 371138, 371139, 371140, 371171, 371172, 371173, 371174, 371175, 371176, 371177, 371178, 371179, 371180, 371181, 371182, 371183, 371184, 371185, 371186, 371187, 371188, 371189, 371190, 371191, 371192, 371193, 371194, 371195, 371196, 371197, 371198, 371199, 371200, 371201, 371202, 371203, 371204, 371205, 371206, 371207, 371208, 371209, 371210, 371211, 371212, 371213, 371214, 371215, 371410, 371411, 371412, 371413, 371414, 371415, 371416, 371417, 371418, 371419, 371420, 371421, 371422, 371423, 371424, 371447, 371448, 371449, 371450, 371451, 371452, 371453, 371454, 371455, 371456, 371457, 371458, 371459, 371460, 371461, 371462, 371463, 371464, 371465, 371466, 371467, 371468, 371469, 371470, 371471, 371472, 371473, 371474, 371475, 371476, 371477, 371478, 371479, 371480, 371481, 371482, 371483, 371484, 371485, 371486, 371487, 371488, 371489, 371490, 371491, 371492, 371493, 371494, 371495, 371496, 371497, 371498, 371499, 371500, 371501, 371502, 371503, 371504, 371505, 371506, 371507, 371508, 371509, 371510, 371511, 371512, 371513, 371514, 371515, 371516, 371517, 371518, 371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371524, 371525) and `id` != 371524 and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `created_at` desc limit 6
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371525) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug` from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (76) and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug` from `sub_categories` where `sub_categories`.`id` in (4878) and `sub_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name` from `categories` where `categories`.`id` in (130) and `categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.`id`, `subjects`.`name`, `subjects`.`slug`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` as `pivot_subjectable_id`, `subjectables`.`subject_id` as `pivot_subject_id`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` as `pivot_subjectable_type`, `subjectables`.`created_user_id` as `pivot_created_user_id`, `subjectables`.`deleted_at` as `pivot_deleted_at`, `subjectables`.`status` as `pivot_status`, `subjectables`.`created_at` as `pivot_created_at`, `subjectables`.`updated_at` as `pivot_updated_at` from `subjects` inner join `subjectables` on `subjects`.`id` = `subjectables`.`subject_id` where `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` in (371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371525) and `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `vote_statistics` where `vote_statistics`.`question_id` in (371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371525)
Backtrace |
select `id`, `bookmarkable_id`, `bookmarkable_type`, `user_id` from `bookmarks` where `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_id` in (371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371525) and `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `votable_id`, `votable_type`, `user_id` from `votes` where `votes`.`votable_id` in (371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371525) and `votes`.`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `user_id`, `choosen_option` from `vote_logs` where `vote_logs`.`question_id` in (371519, 371520, 371521, 371522, 371523, 371525) and `user_id` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `categories` where `categories`.`id` = 130 and `categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `package_plans` where `status` = 'active' and `package_plans`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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