
একাদশ- দ্বাদশ শ্রেণি - English English Grammar & Composition | - | NCTB BOOK


Word কাকে বলে?

A word is a letter or a group of letters that have meaning when spoken or written. It’s a speech sound or combination of sounds that may consist of a single morpheme or a combination of morphemes. Words may be classified according to their meanings, uses, and actions, but it is very tough to define exactly.

Word বা শব্দ হচ্ছে ব্যক্ত বা লিখিত বর্ণ বা বর্ণ সমষ্টি যার একটা নির্দিষ্ট অর্থ আছে।

Morphemes are the smallest grammatical meaningful units in a language. In the field of linguistic study, the branch that studies the structures of a word is called morphology, and the branch that studies the meanings of the word is called lexical semantics.

কোন ভাষা শিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে, ভাষার যে শাখা শব্দের গঠন নিয়ে আলোচনা করে তাকেই Morphology বলে। এবং যে শাখা শব্দের অর্থ নিয়ে কাজ করে তাকে lexical semantics বলে।


  • Good (ভালো)
  • Look (দেখা)
  • Come (আসা)

The words mentioned above provide meanings. So, they are examples of the word.

উপরের শব্দগুলো একটি নির্দিষ্ট অর্থ প্রকাশ করে, তাই তারা প্রতিটি একেকটি শব্দ।

পরিপূর্ণ অর্থবোধক শব্দ হওয়ার নিয়ম (Word Criteria)

একটা পরিপূর্ণ অর্থবোধক শব্দ হওয়ার জন্য কিছু নিয়ম অনুসরণ করতে হয়। সেগুলো হচ্ছেঃ

1. প্রত্যেকটা শব্দেরই একটা অর্থ থাকতে হবে। এখানে “halalization’ শব্দটির কোন অর্থ নেই ইংরেজী ভাষায়। তাই এটি শব্দের আওতাভূক্ত হবে না।

Every word must have a meaning. The word ‘halalization’ doesn’t have any exact meaning in English language, so it cannot be a word.

2. প্রত্যেকটা শব্দেরই একটা root বা মূল শব্দ থাকে যা থেকে আরও অনেক নতুন শব্দ তৈরী হয়। যদি কোন কারণে ঐ root শব্দটি ভেঙে ফেলা হয় তাহলে সেটি কোনভাবেই আর একটি অর্থবোধক শব্দ থাকেনা। যেমন, এখানে দেখানো হয়েছে যে, happy একটি ইংরেজী শব্দ। এর আগে un যুক্ত হয়ে unhappy শব্দটি তৈরি করে।

Every word has a root. From this root, many new words can be created. If somehow, the root is broken, it will not be a word anymore. For example, say there is a word ‘unhappy’. The root is ‘happy’. A new word is created by adding ‘un’. If the root word happy is broken, it is not a valid word anymore.

3. দুটি শব্দ একত্রে উচ্চারণ করার জন্যে শব্দ দুটির মাঝে একটু থামতে হয় এবং লেখার সময় সঠিক জায়গায় সঠিকভাবে space দিতে হয়। ধরা যাক, sky এবং blue দুটি ইংরেজি শব্দ। আমরা যদি তাদেরকে উচ্চারণ করতে চাই তাহলে প্রত্যেকটা শব্দ বলার পর একটু থামতে হবে। লিখতে গেলে দুইটা শব্দের মাঝখানে একটা space দিতে হবে।

A necessary pause during speaking and an effective space during writing between two or more words are a must. For example, suppose ‘sky’ and ‘blue’ are two words. If we want to pronounce them, we need a potential pause after pronouncing each of them. So, it should be like that “blue” “sky”, not “bluesky” and if we want to use them in a sentence, we must put a space after writing each of the words like “blue sky.”


# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন

Read the passage and answer the questions :

▪️ JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)– Nelson Mandela guided South Africa from the shackles of apartheid to a multi-racial democracy, as an icon of peace and reconciliation who came to embody the struggle for justice around the world. Imprisoned for nearly three decades for his fight aganist white minority rule, Mandela never lost his resolve to fight for his people's emancipation. He was determined to bring down apartheid while avoiding a civil war. His prestige and charisma helped him win the support of the world. 
▪️"I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life. I will fight it now, and will do so until the end of 1 my days, "Mandela said in his acceptance speech on becoming South Africa's first black president in 1994, ... "The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come." 
"We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation."
▪️In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, an honour he shared with F. W. De Klerk, the white African leader who had freed him from prison three years earlier and negotiated the end of apartheid. Mandela went on to play a prominent role on the world stage as an advocate of human dignity in the face of challenges ranging from political repression to AIDS. He formally left pubilc life in June 2004 before his 86th birthday, telling his adoring countrymen. "Don't call me. I'll call you." But he remained one of the world's most revered public figures, combining celebrity sparkle with an unwavering message of freedom, respect and human rights. 
▪️"He is at the epicenter of our time, ours in South Africa, and yours, wherever you are." Nadine Gordimer, the South African writer and Nobel Laureate for Literature, once remarked.
The years Mandela spent behind bars made him the world's most clebrated political prisoner and leader of mythic stature for millions of black South Africans and other oppressed people far beyond his country's borders. 
▪️Charged with capital offences in the 1963 Rivonia Trial, his statement from the dock was his political testimony.
"During my lifetime I have dedicated myself to this struggle of the African people. I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination." "I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities," he told the court.
"It is an ideal I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."

differences on the basis of caste, creed and color
competition among the members of a race
domination of others
demoralization of people
To eat very little
To tell loudly
To shut up
To go full speed
permanent migrants
unskilled migrant laborers
foreign residents
political leaders
A duplicate
The hottest day
Don't rely on it
Read the passage and answer to the questions

A vast mangrove forest shared by Bangladesh and India that is home to possibly five hundred Bengal tigers is being rapidly destroyed by erosion, rising sea levels and storm surges, according to a study conducted by the ZSI. the Sundarbans took the brunt of cyclone Sidr in 2007, but new satellite studies show that 71% of the forested coastlline is retreating by as much as two hundred metres a yuear. If erosion conttinues at this pace. Already threatened tiger populations living in the forest will be put further at risk pettorelli, said "A continuing rale of retreat would see these parts of the mangrove disappear within fifty years. On the Indian side of the Sundarbans, the island which extends most into the Bay of Bengal has receded by an average of 150 meters a year, with a maximum of just over 200 meters; this would see the disappearance of the island in about twenty years."

The causes for increasing coastlme retreat,other than direct anthropogenic once, melude incrcased frequency of storm surges and other extreme natural events, rises in sea-leved and increased salinity which increases the vulnerability of mangroves. Research indicates a rapidly retreating coastline that cannot be accounted for by the regular dynmtes of the sundarbans, Degradation is happening fast, weakening this natural" shield for India and Bangladesh. As human development thrives, and global temperature continues to rise, natural protection from tidal wave and cyelones is being degraded at alarming rates. This will inevitably lead to species loss in this richly is done to stop it. The Sundarbans is acritical tiger habitat to loss the Sundarbans would be to move a step closer to the extinction of tigers. 

frequent storm
rising sea level
increased salinity
human-induced activities

Meanings of Word

common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Meanings of Word.

# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন

At once
At the time of leaving
At one attempt
Maiden speech
Fluency of speech
Poor Speech
Very religious
Very honest
Faithful to their employers
None of the above



অনেকগুলো শব্দকে এক শব্দে পরিণত করাকে ইংরেজিতে বলে One word substitution বা এক কথায় প্রকাশ; যেমন — A person who writes dictionaries = Lexicographer অন্যদিকে ইংরেজিতে কিছু কিছু শব্দগুচ্ছ আছে যেগুলো বিশেষ অর্থ প্রদান করে। তাদেরকে Fixed expressions বলা হয়। পরীক্ষায় অনেক সময় বিশেষ বিশেষ শব্দ যা পরিভাষার বিশ্লেষণ বা সংজ্ঞা জানতে চাওয়া হয় অথবা সংজ্ঞা দেয়া থাকে যা দেখে বিশেষ শব্দটি বের করতে হয়।

One word substitution : এক কথায় প্রকাশ বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্র/বিষয় থেকে আসতে পারে। এখানে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু ক্ষেত্র/বিষয় নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো :


Study of religion-Theology

Study of heredity -- Genetics (বংশগতির বিজ্ঞান)

Study of coins — Numismatics (মুদ্রা ও পদকসংক্রান্ত বিদ্যা)

Study of birds— Ornithology (পক্ষীবিজ্ঞান)

Study of human development- Anthropology (নৃ-বিজ্ঞান, मরবিজ্ঞান)

 Study of science of insects -Entomology (কাটতত্ত্ব)

Study of problems of old age -Gerontology (বার্ধক্য প্রক্রিয়া বিষয়ক বিজ্ঞান)

Study of relation between organism and environment (প্রাণী ও পরিবেশের সম্পর্ক সংক্রান্ত) -Ecology

Study of flying aeroplanes – Aviation (বিমান চালনা) 

Study of earth and rocks - Geology (ভূতত্ত্ববিদ্যা)

Study of living things-Biology

Study of celestial bodies (মহাজাগতিক বন্ধু) - Astronomy

Study of the influence of planets and stars (মানুষের ওপর তারকারাজির প্রভাব) — Astrology (জ্যোতিষ শাস্ত্র)

Scientific study of bodily diseases - Pathology (রোগবিজ্ঞান)

Study of Languages - Philology (বিজ্ঞান) 

Study of bees - Apiology

Study of heart / heart diseases -Cardiology (বিজ্ঞান)

Study of trees-Dendrology 

Study of skin/skin diseases-Dermatology

Study of wine/wine making-Enology/Oenology

Study of dogs-Cynology

Study of cats-Felinology 

Study of handwriting— Graphology 

Study of medicine for women-Gynecology/Gynaecology

Study of liver-Hepatology

Study of horses-Hippology 

Study of water -Hydrology (জলবিজ্ঞান; জলানুসন্ধানবিদ্যা)

Study of weather-Meteorology

 Study of kidneys and their diseases - Nephrology

Study of nerves-Neurology

Study of cancer-Oncology

Study of eggs-Oology

Study of eyes-Ophthalmology

Study of mountains and their mapping-Orology 

Study of bones-Osteology

Study of rocks-Petrology

Study of earthquakes-Seismology

 Study of snakes -Serpentology

Study of mouth and its diseases-Stomatology 

Study of poisons -Toxicology

Study of flags-Vexillology

Study of animals-Zoology

 Study of medicine for children and their diseases - Paediatrics/Pediatrics

Study of broken bones-Orthopaedics

Study of handwriting-Graphology

Art of good handwriting-Calligraphy

legible or bad handwriting-Cacography 

A written message from far off place - Telegraph

An expert in writing by hand-Chirographer

A person who write dictionaries-Lexicographer 

Written by light-Photograph

An expert in writing (drawing) maps-Cartographer 

Writing of one's life story-Biography

Writing of one's own life story-Autobiography

A process of printing from a plate-Lithography

Self-rule or control-Autonomy

A self moving vehicle- Automobile 

A machine that functions by itself - Automatic

A signature of oneself -Autograph

One with unlimited power-Autocrat 

Love for mankind-Philanthropy

One who loves books as collection-Bibliophile 

One who loves women--Philogyny

One who loves men-Androphile

One who loves wisdom-Philosopher

One who loves and admires the British-Anglophile

One who is all powerful-Omnipotent,

Almighty One who is all knowing-Omniscient 

One who is present all over-Omnipresent

One who eats all kinds of food-Omnivorous

 A book containing all the published works of an author (একজন লেখকের সব লেখার সংকলন) – Omnibus

Theo= relating to God Study of religion-Theology

One who believes in God-Theist 

One who believes in one God-Monotheist

One who believes in many Gods-Polytheist

One who believes the presence of God in everything in the universe -Pantheist

Religious madness-Theomania 

Practising only one marriage (having only one wife/)-Monogamy

Practising two marriages- Bigamy

Practising several marriages (having many wives) - Polygamy

One who hates marriage-Misogamy

Having several husbands -Palyandry 

People who have both male and female sexual organs-Gynandry (ad), gynandrous)

 People having both male and female characteristics (নারী-পুরুষ উভয় বৈশিষ্ট্য যার মধ্যে)-Androgynous

The study of human development-Anthropology

One who loves mankind-Philanthropist

One who hates humans-Misanthrope

One who hates men-Misandrist

One who hates women-Misogynist 

One who hates marriage- Misogamist

One who loves his fatherland (country)- Patriot 

An inheritance from father (পিতা থেকে পাওয়া উত্তরাধিকার) – Patrimony

The state of being father - Paternity

The killing of a father - Patricide 

A system ruled by father/men-Patriarch

The rule or control of mother-Matriarchy

The killing of a mother - Matricide 

The school or college one attends - Alma Mater

The killing of one's own brother-Fratricide

The killing of one's sister-Sororicide

The killing of one's wife- Uxoricide 

The killing of one's husband-Mariticide

The killing of parents-Parricide

The killing of a whole race-Genocide 

The killing of a new born child - Infanticide

The killing of a king-Regicide 

The killing of a human being-Homicide

The killing of oneself-Suicide

To walk aimlessly-Amble

A baby carriage-Perambulator

Carriage  for sick people-Ambulance

One who walks in sleep-Somnambulist

One who walks at night-Noctambulist

One who walks on ropes-Funambulist

 Living on flesh-Carnivorous

Living on grass -Herbivorous

Living on fish (শুধু মাছ খেয়ে বেঁচে থাকে যে প্রাণী)- Pacivorous

Living on all -Omnivorous

Living on fruits-Frugivorous


Person / Personal Quality (ব্যক্তি বা ব্যক্তিগত গুণাবলি)

A person leaving his native country to settle in another - Emigrant 

A person coming to a foreign land to settle there-Immigrant 

A person looking only to the bright side of things-Optimist

A person looking only to the dark side of things-Pessimist

 A person free from national prejudices, looking at the world as his own-Cosmopolitan

A person giving up his faith-Apostate, Renegade

A person who knows many languages-Linguist

A person speaking many languages-Polyglot

A person who always doubts-Scepti

A person living at the same time with another-Contemporary

 A person who speaks for others--Spokesman

A persons working in the same place-Colleague

A person living in a foreign country-Alien; foreigner

A person unable to pay debts-Bankrupt, insolvent

A person unable to write-Illiterate

 A person devoid of knowledge-Ignorant

A person who eats only vegetable-Vegetarian

A A person who eats human flesh-Cannibal 

A person who eats excessively-Glutton

A person who treats foot diseases - Chiropodist 

A doctor who treats old people's diseases - Geriatrician

A doctor who treats pregnants and helps child birth - Obstetrician

A doctor who treats eye diseases-Ophthalmologist

A person who examines eyes and sells glasses - Optician

A person who has studied on drugs and their composition-Pharmacologist.

A doctor specialized in child care and child diseases-Paediatrician/pediatrician

A doctor who treats mental illnesses-Psychiatrist

A person/scientist who studies human mind-Psychologist

A person who foretells things by the stars-Astrologer

A person who studies heavenly bodies (মহাজাগতিক বস্তু)— Astronomer (জ্যোতির্বিদ

A person who studies ancient things and relics -Archaeologist

A person who mends shoes-Cobbler

 A person who carves on stones-Sculptor 

A person who sells medicine - Druggist

 A person who reads the palm (হস্তরেখা) - Palmist (হস্তরেখা বিশারদ)

A person who collects stamps-Philatelist

A person who deals in cattle-Drove

A person who sells flowers-Florist

A person who studies earth and rocks-Geologist

 A person who travels for selling things-Hawker 

A person/company that sells a particular product-Vendor

A person who rides the horses in races-Jockey

A person who mends waterpipes-Plumber

A person who makes earthen pots (মাটির পাত্র) – Potter (কুমার)

A person who carries burden for hire - Porter

A person who writes shorthand-Stenographer

A person who converts raw hide (কাঁচা চামড়া) into leather – Tanner (চর্মসংস্কারক)

A person who lends money at a very high rate of interest- Usurer 

A person who deals in wine-Vintner

A person in charge of a museum-Curator

A person banished from his own country-Exile

A person who spends too much-Extravagant

A person died for a noble cause-Martyr

A person who joumeys to a holy place-Pilgrim

A person who foretells events-Prophet

A person who was before another - Predecessor

A person who comes after another-Successor

A person who takes shelter /refuge in a foreign country-Refugee 

A messenger who sends message in great haste- -courier (দ্রুতবার্তাবাহক)

 Place /dwelling place

A place where dogs are kept-Kennel

A place where bees are kept-Apiary 

A place where birds are kept -Aviary

A dwelling place for wild beast -Den

A place where fishes are kept - Aquarium

The house of a gypsy -Caravan

A place for production of bread - Bakery

The underground dwelling place of an animal-Burrow 

A place for production and treatment of milk-Dairy

A place for keeping cars- -Garage A place for keeping aeroplanes - Hangar

The house of an Eskimo-Igloo

A place for discharge from the bowels -Lavatory/restroom 

A place where money is coined-Mint

A house/shelter for a confined cow-Pen

A shelter/shed for cows- -Cowshed


# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন

A witty statement
A worn-out statement
false statement
Irish humour
A big speech
Maiden speech
An unimportant
A verbose speech
fictitious name
unknown name
popular name
mistaken name


 Expressions পরীক্ষার জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু Expressions- এর ব্যাখা এখানে তুলে ধরা হলো।


(a) First Language : কোনো ব্যক্তির মাতৃভাষাকে বলা হয় First Language। এ ভাষা সাধারণত হয় Natural (স্বাভাবিক /প্রাকৃতিক) ও spontaneous (স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত)। তেমনিভাবে কোনো দেশে বহুল ব্যবহৃত প্রধান ভাষাকেও First Language বলা যায় ।

(b) Lingua Franca: A shared language of communication used between people whose main languages are different অর্থাৎ বিভিন্ন ভাষাভাষী জনগোষ্ঠী একত্র হলে তাদের মধ্যে ভাবের আদান প্রদানের জন্য যে Common language ব্যবহৃত হয় তাকে Lingua Franca বলে ।
(c) First Aid: Simple medical treatment that is given to somebody before a doctor comes or before the person can be taken to a hospital অর্থাৎ ডাক্তার দেখানোর পূর্বে অথবা হাসপাতালে নেয়ার পূর্বে যে সামান্য চিকিৎসা দেয়া হয় তাকে First Aid বা প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা বলা হয় ।

(d) Dilly Dally : টালবাহানা করে সময় নষ্ট করাকে Dilly Dally বলে। যেমন -The government is following dilly dally policy.

(e) Bill of fare : কোন রেস্তোরায় যেসব খাবার পাওয়া যায়, মূল্যসহ ঐ খাবারসমূহের তালিকাকে Bill of fare বলে ।

(f) Three score Score-এর সাধারণ অর্থ হচ্ছে পয়েন্ট বা সংখ্যা। কিন্তু score-এর অন্য যে অর্থ আছে তা হচ্ছে 20। সুতরাং three score অর্থ 3 x 20 = 60

 (g) Bottom line: কোনো কিছুর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ বা পয়েন্টকে bottom line বলে ।

(h) Boot Leg : Made and sold illegally অর্থাৎ কোনোকিছু অবৈধভাবে তৈরি ও বিক্রন/পাচার করাকে boot leg বলে।

(i) Optical illusion: Something that tricks your eyes and makes you think that you can see something that is not there-চোখে ভেলকি লাগিয়ে এমন কিছু দেখানো আসলে তা সেখানে নেই। একে Optical illusion বলে ।

(j) Bull Market: A period during which share prices are rising and people are buying shares— যে সময়ে শেয়ার বাজারে শেয়ারের দাম হঠাৎ বেড়ে যায় এবং মানুষ বেশি বেশি শেয়ার কিনতে থাকে সেই সময়কে Bull Market বলা হয়।

(k) Blue Chip: An investment thought to be safe and likely to make a profit. মুনাফা লাভের সম্ভাবনা আছে এমন নিরাপদ বিনিয়োগকে Blue chip বলে। 


Definition of Words

 Definition of words : 

এখানে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু শব্দের Definition বা সংজ্ঞা দেয়া হলো।

(a) Stocking : Long socks (লম্বা মোজা)

(b) Cul-de-sac : A street that is closed at one end; dead end কানাগলি, যে রাস্তার এক পাশ বন্ধ।

(C) Parcel : শব্দটির দু'টি অর্থ আছে : (১) ডাকে পাঠানো পার্সেল (২) a small piece of land - ছোট্ট একখণ্ড জমি।

(d) Ruminant: Any animal that brings back food from its stomach and chews it again. যেসব প্রাণী খাওয়ার পর পাকস্থলী থেকে পুনরায় খাবার উদগীরণ করে চিবায় তাদেরকে Ruminant বা জাবর কাটা প্রাণী বলে। 

(e)Cohesive : কোনো বস্তুর বিভিন্ন অংশ যদি সংঘবদ্ধভাবে একে অপরের সাথে শক্তভাবে লেগে থাকে তাহলে তাকে বলে Cohesion যার Adjective হচ্ছে Cohesive

(f) Euphemism: An indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more

acceptable than it really is. কোনো অপ্রিয় বিষয়কে পরোক্ষভাবে অন্য শব্দ দ্বারা প্রিয়, গ্রহণযোগ্য করে উপস্থাপন করাকে Euphemism বলা হয়।

(g) Ecological : প্রাণী ও পরিবেশের সম্পর্ক নিয়ে আলোচনা করে Ecology। তাই Ecological শব্দটি পরিবেশের সাথে সংশ্লিষ্ট।

(h) Ordinance: সাধারণত বিশেষ ধরনের আইনকে ordinance বা অধ্যাদেশ বলা হয়।

(i) Fantasy: কল্পিত কোনো গল্পকে Fantasy বলে।

(G) Razzmatazz শব্দটির অর্থ- গোলমাল ।

(k) Blockbuster: কোনো বিল্ডিং বা দালান ধ্বংস করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত বিস্ফোরককে blockbuster বলে। তেমনি আলোড়ন সৃষ্টিকারী বিষয় বা চলচ্চিত্রকেও blockbuster বলা হয় । ।

(I) Stagflation অর্থ অর্থনৈতিক মন্দাভাব।

(m) Homogeneous - একই জাতীয়।

(n) Pneumatic – বায়ু দ্বারা চালিত।

(o) Geriatric - বৃদ্ধ লোক সংক্রান্ত । 

(p) Plebiscite- সকল যোগ্য নাগরিকের ভোট, গণভোট।

(q) Bibliography- - গ্রন্থপঞ্জি ।

(R) Inauguration -- উদ্বোধন।

(S) Paranoid: ভ্রমগ্রস্ত ব্যক্তি।

(t) Quorum : কোনো সংসদ বা সভা শুরু করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় সর্বনিম্ন সংখ্যক সদস্যকে কোরাম বলে


# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন



বিভিন্ন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষায় পরীক্ষার্থীদের vocabulary বা শব্দভাণ্ডার কতটা সমৃদ্ধ তা যাচাইয়ের অন্যতম একটি মাধ্যম হলো Synonym। প্রায় সকল ধরনের প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষায় Synonym-এর সরব উপস্থিতি বিদ্যমান। তাই অন্যান্য vocabulary item-এর মতো Synonymও অত্যন্ত গুরুত্ সহকারে অনুশীলন করা দরকার। এই chapter-এ বিগত বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় আসা synonym-গুলোর একটি বর্ণানুক্রমিক তালিকা দেওয়া হয়েছে। তবে এই তালিকাটি যথাযথ প্রস্তুতির জন্য পূর্ণাঙ্গ নয়। তাই বিস্তারিত প্রস্তুতির জন্য আরও বিশদ আকারে এবং নিয়মিতভাবে অধ্যয়ন করতে হবে।

Word                                                               Synonym

Aberration (বিপথগমন/নীতিভ্রংশ)                         Deviation

Abeyance (মুলতবি অবস্থা)                                    Suspended action

Able (সমর্থ)                                                             Capable

Aboriginal (আদিম)                                               Unsuccessful    

Abortive ( ব্যর্থ )                                                     Primitive

Acumen (সূক্ষ্ম বিচার শক্তি)                                  Brilliance, Insight, Shrewdness.

 Adulterated (অপমিশ্রণ)                                     Corrupted 

Alight (নেমে আসা)                                                Descend

Alleviate (দূর করা/উপশম করা)                           Abate

Alteration (পরিবর্তন)                                            Adaptation/adjustment

Altercation (বাদানুবাদ, ঝগড়া )                              Quarrel

Ambiguous (অনিশ্চিত, অস্পষ্ট)                           Unclear

Altitude (উচ্চতা)                                                  Height 

Anecdote (ক্ষুদ্র সত্য কাহিনি)                                Fable

Annex (সংযোজন)                                                 Add

Antagonist (বিরোধী শক্তি)                                  Opponent

Anxiously (বাড়াভাবে)                                         Nervously, Worriedly                                                                           

Adverse (অত/মদ/ বিপরীত)                             Hostile

Abhor (ঘৃণা করা)                                                Hate

Apex (চূড়া/শীর্ষ)                                                   Crest, higher point, Acme

Ardent (অতিশয় আকুল)                                      Eager

Articulate (সন্ধিযুক্ত/স্পষ্ট)                                 Intelligible

Astute (চালাক)                                                  Shrewd

Attribute (গুণ)                                                     Feature

Augment (বৃদ্ধি করা, পাওয়া)                              Amplify

Authentic (খাটি প্রকৃত)                                     Genuine

Banish (নির্বাসিত করা)                                     Exile

Bankrupt (দেউলিয়া)                                            Insolvent

Bargain (চুক্তি, আলোচনা)                              Negotiation

Barter (বিনিময়)                                              Exchange

Bear (বহন করা, সহ্য করা)                             Carry, Endure

Belated (অতিশয় বিলম্বে আগত)                 Tardy

Belligerent (যুদ্ধরত)                                   Hostile

Benevolent (সদাশয়)                                  Kind

Bereavement (মৃত্যুজনিত শোক)                 Loss

Bigotry (গোঁড়ামি)                                         Intolerance

Boisterous (কোলাহলপূর্ণ)                          Noisy

Bombastic (শব্দাড়ম্বরপূর্ণ)                           Pompous

Bona-fide (খাঁটি)                                     Genuine

Bountiful (অতি দানশীল)                         Generous

Bounty (উদারতা)                                  Generosity

Brag ( গর্ব করা)                                        Boast

Brazen (বেহায়া, নির্লজ্জ)                             Shameless

Brochure (ক্ষুদ্র পুস্তিকা)                         Pamphlet

Browbeating (চোখ রাঙানো)                  Showing surprise

Buccaneer (জলদস্যু)                            Pirate

Bungled (বিফল)                           Unsuccessful

Callow (অপরিপক্)                          Youthful, Immature

Candid (মনখোলা)                                Outspoken

Capture (গ্রেপ্তার বা বন্দি করা)                    Apprehend

Chicanery (প্রতারণা/ছলনা)                    Trickery

Coherent (সুসংগত/ সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ)                    Consistent

Competent (যোগ্য)                                    Capable

Compliant (সম্মত / ভদ্র)                           Soft

Concede (সম্মত হওয়া)                                  Acknowledge

Conciliate (মন পাওয়া/শুভেচ্ছা অর্জন)                Integrate, Pacify, Win










# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন




All of the above




An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another word. Antonyms provide contrast and can help convey nuanced meanings in language. They are essential in learning English for several reasons:

Understanding Context: Antonyms help learners understand the context and nuances of words. For example, knowing the antonym of "happy" is "sad" helps understand the emotional range and context in which these words are used.

Vocabulary Expansion: Learning antonyms expands one's vocabulary. When you learn an antonym, you essentially learn two words at once, which can be a more efficient way to build your language skills.

Expressive Communication: Antonyms allow for more expressive and precise communication. They help you choose the right word to convey your intended meaning accurately.

Comprehension and Interpretation: When reading or listening, understanding antonyms helps with comprehension and interpretation of texts and speech. It aids in identifying contrasts and oppositions in language.

Enhancing Writing and Speaking Skills: Antonyms can make your writing and speaking more interesting and varied. Instead of repeating the same word, you can use its antonym to create diversity and engage your audience.

Improving Critical Thinking: Learning antonyms encourages critical thinking as you consider opposing concepts and their relationship within the language.


  • Antonym: Hot - Cold
    • Understanding both "hot" and "cold" and their antonymous relationship allows you to describe temperatures accurately, express preferences, or discuss weather conditions in English.

In essence, antonyms play a crucial role in language learning by enhancing vocabulary, promoting effective communication, and enabling learners to grasp the subtleties and complexities of the English language. They are a fundamental building block in the development of language proficiency and comprehension.


# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন



Spelling Mistakes

ভাষাজ্ঞান যাচাইয়ের জন্য Spelling একটি অন্যতম মাধ্যম। তাই কিছু কিছু পরীক্ষায় প্রার্থীর বানান সচেতনতা যাচাই করতে Misspelled Words এর মধ্য থেকে সঠিক বানান বিশিষ্ট শব্দটি বের করতে বলা হয়। বানানে দক্ষতা অর্জনের জন্য অনুশীলনের বিকল্প নেই।


accommodation, accelerate, ascertain, acquiesce, ambassador, aquarium, abbreviation, annihilate, amateur, ambiguous, archaeology, assessment, admission, anemia, altogether, achieve, accompany, accrue, acquisition, adequate, alliance, anonymous, anxiety, abhorrence, abstinence, acceleration, acclamation, accomplishment, agglomerate, aggression, apparatus, artillery, affiliation, aggravate, anniversary. accumulation, acquaintance, attendance, assassination, accessories, aggressive, announcement, assurance, alleviation, adolescence, appreciate, astronauts, acclaimed.


bureaucracy, billionaire, balloon, benevolence, bequeath, beginning, barrack, brilliant, bulletin, buffalo, baccalaureate, bureau, barricade, beverage, bioscope, boycott, bouquet, banned, bacteria, bourgeoisie.


cadaverous, column, curfew, cafeteria, constellation, census, competition, champagne, cemetery, chancellor, colleague, commission, commissioner, commemorate, committee, conceive, curriculum. curvaceous, commit, callous, conscience, carrier, courier, cafeteria, challenge, characteristic, chauffeur, collision, counselor, connotation,  catastrophe, corroborate, catalogue, campaign, chancellor, correspondence, cylinder, conveyance, colossal, cigarette, 


dilemma, diligent, discipline, deleterious, deference, desiccate, diphtheria, dexterous, diagnosis, doctrinaire, decision, deceive, demonstrate, discrimination, development, destitute, dyeing, dialogue, dimension, dysentery, dynamite, deceit, dumbfounding, dictionary, depression, declaration.


embarrassment, embassy, exaggerate, exiguous, extraneous, embarrass, equilibrium, ecstasy, efficient, enroll, enrol , exclamatory, exemplary, encyclopedia/ encyclopaedia,  epidemic, embellished, eccentric, entertainment, endeavor, excessive, elementary, enthusiasm, exhilaration, elephantiasis, embedded. endorsement, etiquette, embroider, enamour /enamor, exhibition, experiment, equinox, electricity, enthusiastic, expedient, expression.


fallacious, feeble, fascination, feminine, floriculture, fundamentalism, frustration, forgery, fulfil fulfill, fourteen, fullness, factitious, foreign, forfeit, follicle, gazette, gazetteer, grammar, guarantee, gymnasium, geology, grieve, garrison, guerrilla, gallery, grievance, giraffe, galaxy.


harmony, helicopter, homogeneous, heterogeneous, hurricane, humorous, hideous, hygienic, hallucination. hostility, hindrance, height, hypocrisy, haphazard, hydraulic, harassment, haggling, humiliate, hostage, hygiene


indigenous, indispensable, inference, irresistible, independence, indiscriminately, ideology, immense, interrupt, inoculate, irrelevant, intelligibility, instantaneous, intellectual, installation, inaugurate, irreparable, inaccessible, jealous, journalism, jubilee, juvenile, juxtapose, knight, knighthood. kaleidoscope, lieutenant, locomotive, leisure, litterateur, license, linguistics, luggage, luxuries, league. It's not a book, it's your buddy


machinery, magazine, magistrate,  massacre, messenger, merchandise, memorandum, merriment, meticulous, microscope, misanthrope, mortgage, message, millennium, misspell, maintenance, miscellaneous, , mountebank, millionaire, malnourished, monolingual, mongoose, mausoleum, mileage, niece, ninety, ninth, nursery, negligence, novelette, nuisance, occasion, occur, occurrence, overwhelming, obnoxious, ominous, orthodox, onomatopoeia, ocean, oppressive, observance, obedience.


palatable, pamphlet, pantheism, papyrus, privilege, possession, pneumonia, penicillin, progressive, psychology, parliament, perseverance, personal, personnel, pigeon, pneumonia, proceed, passenger, parallel, phenomenon, possessor, procession, proprietor, preliminary, persistence, panacea.


quotation, qualification, quarrel, quarrelsome, questionnaire, queue, quorum, reception, recipient, recreation, republic, repentance, rhododendron, recommendation, relevant, remittance, repugnance, retirement, radical, recession, reconciliation, refrigerator, reluctant, representative, respiration, revulsion, restaurant, recurrence, receive, resistance, reputation, repetition, relief, religious, renaissance, relentless, rehearsal, reminiscence,


sabotage, script, senate, sociology, sphinx, strategy, supercilious, surgery, sympathize, sanction, schedule, sculpture, secretary, sensation, souvenir, stenograph, stubbornness, superintendent, surveillance, surplus, sympathy, sandwich, scissors, seismography, separate, sovereignty, stipend, summit, supersede, supervision, susceptible, synecdoche, separate separation, satellite, spontaneous, secretariat, sovereign, sobriety, Saturday, seize, superstition, suppression, sustainability, succession, simultaneously, segregate, Shakespeare, supersede, souvenir.


taxation, tenacious, tournament, transaction, transparency, tuition, technology, tension, toxic, transfiguration, typhoid, temperature, tranquility, translucent, tuberculosis, thesaurus, tongue, tolerance, tranquility, transference, tsunami, traveler, traveled, tremendous, twelve, technique, theatre, tolerance, tranquil, transitory.


unique, umbrella, uranium, utilitarian, vacuum, vaccinate, vacillate, valuable, vengeance, vegetarian, ventilator, vulnerable, voluptuous, vehicle, vicissitude, voluntary, welcome, welfare, wellbeing, winner, willful, whether, warrantee, warrior, withdraw, wrangler, wrapper, whimsical, yeoman, youngster, zoology, zealous, zigzag, zeugma


# বহুনির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন







Usage of Words as Various Part of Speech

common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Usage of Words as Various Part of Speech.

Dame Words as Various Parts of Speech

common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Dame Words as Various Parts of Speech.

Transformation of Parts of Speech

common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Transformation of Parts of Speech.

Formation of New Words by Adding Prefixes and Suffixes

common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Formation of New Words by Adding Prefixes and Suffixes.



common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Suffix.

Formation of New Words by Adding Prefixes and Suffixes

common.please_contribute_to_add_content_into Formation of New Words by Adding Prefixes and Suffixes.
টপ রেটেড অ্যাপ

স্যাট অ্যাকাডেমী অ্যাপ

আমাদের অল-ইন-ওয়ান মোবাইল অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে সীমাহীন শেখার সুযোগ উপভোগ করুন।

লাইভ ক্লাস
ডাউনলোড করুন