Dull of - অর্থ বোধশক্তিহীন বা কম শোনা।
যেমন - He is dull of understanding.
Dull at - অর্থ কাঁচা।
যেমন - He is dull at physics.
1 x Application (56.93%) | 32.19ms |
1 x Booting (43.07%) | 24.36ms |
select `id`, `view_count`, `main_category_id` from `questions` where `questions`.`id` = '19471' and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (19471) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
update `questions` set `view_count` = `view_count` + 1 where `id` = 19471
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `view_count`, `vote`, `subject_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_id`, `board_exam_id`, `passage_id`, `question_type`, `question`, `is_duplicate`, `status`, `image`, `meta_og_image`, `meta_og_title`, `meta_keyword`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, exists(select * from `review_contents` where `questions`.`id` = `review_contents`.`reviewable_id` and `review_contents`.`reviewable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question') as `review_content_exists` from `questions` where `id` = '19471' and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `option_1`, `option_2`, `option_3`, `option_4`, `option_5`, `image_option`, `image_question`, `answer` from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (19471) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `title`, `passage` from `passages` where `passages`.`id` in (0) and `passages`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug`, `meta_og_image` from `sub_categories` where `sub_categories`.`id` in (166) and `sub_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `des_updated_by`, `des_added_by`, `link_subject_id`, `slug` from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (2) and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `description`, `subject_id` from `subject_descriptions` where `subject_descriptions`.`subject_id` in (2) and `subject_descriptions`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.`id`, `subjects`.`name`, `subjects`.`slug`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` as `pivot_subjectable_id`, `subjectables`.`subject_id` as `pivot_subject_id`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` as `pivot_subjectable_type`, `subjectables`.`created_user_id` as `pivot_created_user_id`, `subjectables`.`deleted_at` as `pivot_deleted_at`, `subjectables`.`status` as `pivot_status`, `subjectables`.`created_at` as `pivot_created_at`, `subjectables`.`updated_at` as `pivot_updated_at` from `subjects` inner join `subjectables` on `subjects`.`id` = `subjectables`.`subject_id` where `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` in (19471) and `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `vote_statistics` where `vote_statistics`.`question_id` in (19471)
Backtrace |
select * from `descriptions` where `descriptions`.`descriptionable_id` in (19471) and `descriptions`.`descriptionable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `status` in ('approve', 'active') and `descriptions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `vote` desc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `avatar` from `users` where `users`.`id` in (1) and `users`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `bookmarkable_id`, `bookmarkable_type`, `user_id` from `bookmarks` where `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_id` in (19471) and `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `votable_id`, `votable_type`, `user_id` from `votes` where `votes`.`votable_id` in (19471) and `votes`.`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `user_id`, `choosen_option` from `vote_logs` where `vote_logs`.`question_id` in (19471) and `user_id` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `view_count`, `vote`, `subject_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_id`, `board_exam_id`, `passage_id`, `question_type`, `question`, `is_duplicate`, `status`, `image`, `created_at`, `updated_at` from `questions` where `id` in (8563, 9343, 9476, 9558, 9636, 9673, 9812, 9825, 9851, 10461, 10463, 10464, 10465, 10822, 10824, 10834, 10987, 11115, 11162, 11191, 11193, 11359, 11378, 11528, 12158, 14023, 14702, 8534, 7658, 15490, 15576, 15711, 15895, 15897, 16934, 16942, 17215, 17520, 18971, 16260, 16364, 16366, 16367, 16417, 17031, 17198, 17521, 17920, 19471, 19463, 19424, 19422, 19003, 19000, 15723, 15961, 16189, 16253, 16257, 16258, 21443, 21576, 21671, 21674, 21717, 21718, 21719, 21959, 22126, 22127, 22411, 22592, 22722, 17918, 18242, 20041, 20280, 21012, 21366, 18156, 23201, 23628, 23752, 24326, 24422, 24423, 24437, 24439, 24442, 24516, 22122, 24831, 24830, 25337, 25343, 26114, 26044, 26409, 26897, 27126, 27127, 28420, 28487, 27625, 28493, 28569, 29507, 29258, 33120, 33118, 33561, 32645, 32643, 32393, 32351, 31438, 240980, 240262, 30185, 33727, 34176, 34165, 34175, 34878, 34875, 34507, 34287, 35221, 34877, 34874, 35354, 35237, 35222, 34516, 34178, 13076, 18154, 16643, 16264, 15489, 28047, 36968, 36829, 36828, 38683, 38681, 38608, 37961, 37960, 37958, 37580, 38993, 38991, 39005, 39004, 40201, 40549, 246189, 246144, 245188, 245189, 239935, 239933, 239656, 238842, 238537, 238343, 238327, 238298, 238287, 237989, 237920, 237888, 237844, 237596, 237527, 237520, 237840, 237312, 237294, 83660, 83658, 83656, 83650, 83531, 83529, 83520, 83519, 83395, 83229, 83070, 82939, 82936, 82878, 82876, 82790, 82701, 82697, 82695, 82570, 82398, 82331, 82327, 82209, 82174, 82141, 82077, 81995, 81952, 81943, 81853, 81638, 81204, 81190, 81032, 81030, 81029, 80988, 80925, 80920, 80896, 80886, 80865, 80823, 80799, 80798, 80543, 80654, 80541, 80417, 80013, 79886, 73481, 73866, 74094, 74111, 74634, 75019, 75020, 247305, 75324, 75330, 75265, 75430, 75264, 75217, 75050, 73807, 237313, 13258, 75751, 75854, 75536, 239628, 82207, 77297, 77325, 77366, 77387, 82168, 70437, 70483, 70035, 70043, 70044, 70086, 70087, 70215, 70343, 70344, 70433, 70479, 70559, 70560, 70635, 70636, 70637, 69850, 69747, 69701, 69636, 69563, 69559, 69552, 69549, 69519, 69477, 69468, 69435, 69257, 69202, 69203, 69134, 69030, 68888, 68886, 24507, 22744, 72551, 72482, 72234, 72164, 72155, 72152, 72151, 71932, 71856, 71853, 71844, 71771, 71529, 71521, 71520, 71361, 71301, 71297, 71233, 71231, 67634, 67632, 67519, 67457, 67425, 67219, 67157, 67071, 67070, 66983, 66914, 66792, 66782, 66709, 66520, 66454, 66381, 66370, 66225, 66099, 65997, 65992, 66453, 67808, 67809, 67810, 67905, 67906, 67992, 67993, 68087, 68105, 68277, 68579, 68661, 68762, 71100, 71003, 70908, 70906, 70810, 70728, 70727, 70726, 70725, 70723, 70659, 27626, 64669, 64671, 64794, 64795, 64797, 64798, 64895, 64900, 64946, 64947, 64948, 65417, 65480, 65594, 65677, 65277, 64494, 64347, 64240, 64239, 64238, 27124, 36559, 37959, 41081, 44172, 42363, 42482, 42483, 42556, 43994, 44710, 46596, 46861, 248682, 69248, 49484, 49482, 49429, 47255, 47841, 47846, 48576, 48577, 49122, 49128, 49129, 49131, 50321, 51062, 51064, 51577, 52018, 52349, 52746, 52747, 54578, 56037, 57969, 59894, 63171, 65479, 65910, 68268, 71223, 73407, 45666, 47908, 48039, 48040, 48282, 48429, 48431, 48506, 48513, 49154, 49269, 49270, 49271, 49272, 49273, 49276, 50161, 50162, 50164, 50165, 50166, 50168, 50962, 50686, 50561, 50489, 50465, 50363, 50358, 50167, 73442, 73335, 73069, 73066, 73025, 73010, 72831, 65593, 66158, 65812, 63206, 62581, 62578, 62478, 62476, 62462, 62459, 62448, 62137, 61946, 61847, 61731, 61590, 61589, 50976, 51121, 51173, 51177, 51305, 52282, 59459, 59452, 59188, 59150, 59144, 59095, 59091, 58691, 58688, 58579, 58236, 58112, 57729, 57718, 57660, 51118, 51119, 51922, 51926, 52007, 52383, 52384, 52397, 52398, 52399, 54846, 52331, 52867, 52869, 55987, 55955, 55953, 56496, 57100, 57203, 57206, 57237, 57239, 57249, 57476, 57477, 57479, 57480, 59484, 59485, 59499, 59766, 59767, 59768, 59769, 59851, 59856, 59963, 59964, 59965, 59976, 60254, 60696, 60697, 60698, 60700, 60736, 60737, 60738, 60851, 60904, 60905, 60906, 60907, 60909, 61033, 61224, 61230, 56978, 56979, 57242, 70909, 14523, 67074, 69637, 9167, 64945, 65976, 9327, 12659, 19464, 55419, 72154, 83616, 237617, 13383, 253730, 256893, 259474, 262792, 262853, 263039, 263309, 265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941, 251256) and `id` != 19471 and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `created_at` desc limit 6
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug` from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (2) and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug` from `sub_categories` where `sub_categories`.`id` in (5635, 5644, 5655, 5663, 5716) and `sub_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name` from `categories` where `categories`.`id` in (8, 16) and `categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.`id`, `subjects`.`name`, `subjects`.`slug`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` as `pivot_subjectable_id`, `subjectables`.`subject_id` as `pivot_subject_id`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` as `pivot_subjectable_type`, `subjectables`.`created_user_id` as `pivot_created_user_id`, `subjectables`.`deleted_at` as `pivot_deleted_at`, `subjectables`.`status` as `pivot_status`, `subjectables`.`created_at` as `pivot_created_at`, `subjectables`.`updated_at` as `pivot_updated_at` from `subjects` inner join `subjectables` on `subjects`.`id` = `subjectables`.`subject_id` where `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` in (265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941) and `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `vote_statistics` where `vote_statistics`.`question_id` in (265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941)
Backtrace |
select `id`, `bookmarkable_id`, `bookmarkable_type`, `user_id` from `bookmarks` where `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_id` in (265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941) and `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `votable_id`, `votable_type`, `user_id` from `votes` where `votes`.`votable_id` in (265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941) and `votes`.`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `user_id`, `choosen_option` from `vote_logs` where `vote_logs`.`question_id` in (265778, 265784, 266389, 268087, 268464, 272941) and `user_id` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `categories` where `categories`.`id` = 8 and `categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `vote_type` from `votes` where (`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Description' and `user_id` is null and `votable_id` = 19471) limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `package_plans` where `status` = 'active' and `package_plans`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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