পারিভাষিক শব্দ: বাংলা ভাষায় প্রচলিত বিদেশি শব্দের ভাবানুবাদমূলক প্রতিশব্দকে পারিভাষিক শব্দ বলে।এর বেশিরভাগই এ কালের প্রয়োগ।যেমন:
Executive - নির্বাহী।
1 x Application (57.16%) | 34.78ms |
1 x Booting (42.83%) | 26.06ms |
select `id`, `view_count`, `main_category_id` from `questions` where `questions`.`id` = '25736' and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (25736) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
update `questions` set `view_count` = `view_count` + 1 where `id` = 25736
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `view_count`, `vote`, `subject_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_id`, `board_exam_id`, `passage_id`, `question_type`, `question`, `is_duplicate`, `status`, `image`, `meta_og_image`, `meta_og_title`, `meta_keyword`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, exists(select * from `review_contents` where `questions`.`id` = `review_contents`.`reviewable_id` and `review_contents`.`reviewable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question') as `review_content_exists` from `questions` where `id` = '25736' and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `option_1`, `option_2`, `option_3`, `option_4`, `option_5`, `image_option`, `image_question`, `answer` from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (25736) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `title`, `passage` from `passages` where `passages`.`id` in (0) and `passages`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug`, `meta_og_image` from `sub_categories` where `sub_categories`.`id` in (311) and `sub_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `des_updated_by`, `des_added_by`, `link_subject_id`, `slug` from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (1) and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `description`, `subject_id` from `subject_descriptions` where `subject_descriptions`.`subject_id` in (1) and `subject_descriptions`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.`id`, `subjects`.`name`, `subjects`.`slug`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` as `pivot_subjectable_id`, `subjectables`.`subject_id` as `pivot_subject_id`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` as `pivot_subjectable_type`, `subjectables`.`created_user_id` as `pivot_created_user_id`, `subjectables`.`deleted_at` as `pivot_deleted_at`, `subjectables`.`status` as `pivot_status`, `subjectables`.`created_at` as `pivot_created_at`, `subjectables`.`updated_at` as `pivot_updated_at` from `subjects` inner join `subjectables` on `subjects`.`id` = `subjectables`.`subject_id` where `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` in (25736) and `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `vote_statistics` where `vote_statistics`.`question_id` in (25736)
Backtrace |
select * from `descriptions` where `descriptions`.`descriptionable_id` in (25736) and `descriptions`.`descriptionable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `status` in ('approve', 'active') and `descriptions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `vote` desc
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `avatar` from `users` where `users`.`id` in (1) and `users`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `bookmarkable_id`, `bookmarkable_type`, `user_id` from `bookmarks` where `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_id` in (25736) and `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `votable_id`, `votable_type`, `user_id` from `votes` where `votes`.`votable_id` in (25736) and `votes`.`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `user_id`, `choosen_option` from `vote_logs` where `vote_logs`.`question_id` in (25736) and `user_id` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjectable_id` from `subjectables` where `subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subject_id` in (1369)
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `view_count`, `vote`, `subject_id`, `category_id`, `sub_category_id`, `board_exam_id`, `passage_id`, `question_type`, `question`, `is_duplicate`, `status`, `image`, `created_at`, `updated_at` from `questions` where `id` in (4466, 4711, 5945, 7633, 11890, 14188, 15741, 16699, 19175, 20007, 22931, 39268, 47110, 48073, 48138, 50872, 51533, 51696, 52153, 52157, 52161, 52165, 52169, 52173, 59317, 61781, 65888, 66298, 66620, 68077, 68719, 68892, 76059, 76904, 77292, 81701, 239915, 240117, 29032, 46834, 57141, 57296, 58308, 69740, 70235, 70941, 73315, 78900, 82284, 82455, 83603, 423571, 1246, 52086, 44989, 18458, 52634, 74908, 50994, 50197, 62103, 66353, 64821, 75637, 47005, 43452, 25736, 58646, 4612, 5321, 78474, 77995, 58074, 50668, 50920, 17445, 43285, 21813, 75154, 25851, 39501, 24242, 39388, 15256, 15255, 76019, 39500, 52887, 61894, 52532, 51873, 74930, 59107, 56749, 76460, 68652, 66923, 74246, 59064, 61711, 67831, 77383, 23589, 17959, 20492, 237504, 72010, 237639, 237635, 78010, 78209, 24623, 72951, 73536, 72562, 10806, 18450, 39591, 44763, 39590, 44983, 44898, 51639, 44479, 29070, 8783, 44070, 39585, 44979, 44768, 6054, 43310, 12036, 77158, 65030, 5209, 4905, 59260, 63760, 69305, 78365, 237935, 238262, 7746, 238326, 238615, 239002, 82119) and `id` != 25736 and `questions`.`deleted_at` is null order by `created_at` desc limit 6
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `question_options` where `question_options`.`question_id` in (238326, 238615, 239002, 239915, 240117, 423571) and `question_options`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug` from `subjects` where `subjects`.`id` in (1) and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name`, `slug` from `sub_categories` where `sub_categories`.`id` in (4954, 4955, 5072, 5261, 5276, 6106) and `sub_categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `id`, `name` from `categories` where `categories`.`id` in (5, 8, 9) and `categories`.`deleted_at` is null
Backtrace |
select `subjects`.`id`, `subjects`.`name`, `subjects`.`slug`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` as `pivot_subjectable_id`, `subjectables`.`subject_id` as `pivot_subject_id`, `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` as `pivot_subjectable_type`, `subjectables`.`created_user_id` as `pivot_created_user_id`, `subjectables`.`deleted_at` as `pivot_deleted_at`, `subjectables`.`status` as `pivot_status`, `subjectables`.`created_at` as `pivot_created_at`, `subjectables`.`updated_at` as `pivot_updated_at` from `subjects` inner join `subjectables` on `subjects`.`id` = `subjectables`.`subject_id` where `subjectables`.`subjectable_id` in (238326, 238615, 239002, 239915, 240117, 423571) and `subjectables`.`subjectable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `subjects`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `vote_statistics` where `vote_statistics`.`question_id` in (238326, 238615, 239002, 239915, 240117, 423571)
Backtrace |
select `id`, `bookmarkable_id`, `bookmarkable_type`, `user_id` from `bookmarks` where `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_id` in (238326, 238615, 239002, 239915, 240117, 423571) and `bookmarks`.`bookmarkable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `votable_id`, `votable_type`, `user_id` from `votes` where `votes`.`votable_id` in (238326, 238615, 239002, 239915, 240117, 423571) and `votes`.`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Question' and `user_id` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `question_id`, `user_id`, `choosen_option` from `vote_logs` where `vote_logs`.`question_id` in (238326, 238615, 239002, 239915, 240117, 423571) and `user_id` is null
Backtrace |
select * from `categories` where `categories`.`id` = 15 and `categories`.`deleted_at` is null limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select `id`, `vote_type` from `votes` where (`votable_type` = 'App\\Models\\Description' and `user_id` is null and `votable_id` = 25736) limit 1
Bindings |
Backtrace |
select * from `package_plans` where `status` = 'active' and `package_plans`.`deleted_at` is null
Bindings |
Backtrace |
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