You took a first party motor insurance from Progati insurance Company . Subsequently, your car had a collosion on road. Accordingly , write a letter to the Clain Manager to settle your claim. Image required information to write the litter.
Date: 12.07.2019
Md. Shafiqul Islam
Field supervisor
Manobotar Sebay Bangladesh Manikganj-1850
Contract no: 0171111111
Progati Insurance Company Ltd.
Nostalogic Bahabon,
Manikganj Shahid Rafiq Sarani
Subject: Prayer for settling the insurance claim against my account.
Dear Sir,
With due respect I want to draw your attention about the fact that I have an insurance policy for my motor bike with your company. The Insurance number is 122933. Yesterday, my motor bike had an accident. In the time of parking my motor bike near my office, a truck came from behind and accidently hit my motor bike from the back side. As a result, the back portion of my motor bike is hampered badly. According to my document, the due amount of my motor bike is 2,00,000 Tk.
May I therefore pray and hope that you will be kind enough to release the due amount in the earliest possible time and oblige me thereby.
Your faithful
Md. Shafiqul Islam